Thursday, August 30, 2012

Plan to Succeed

No good news this week, which nearly meant no blog post this week.  But I think I should be honest here, and honestly, I ate a bunch of crappy food this week.

I don't feel horrible about it, but I don't feel good either.  Some of the food was delicious, like dinner at Cheddar's Restaurant.  I had "Spasagna", which is a baked spaghetti-lasagna dish that is the ultimate comfort food for me.  It's a huge serving and I only ate half.  And I chose marina sauce instead of meat sauce.  Still, there is a lot of cheese in this dish and cheese is dairy and dairy is not part of my new diet plan.  Plus I ate a nice and buttery piece of garlic bread.

I ate the leftovers the next day for lunch.   And that night we had a pizza for dinner.  A nice, thick pizza with hamburger and mushrooms. Still not good.  Last night, we had dinner from our favorite vegetarian restaurant and today I ate such a small amount of food, with no protein whatsoever, that I was absolutely starving at dinner time. All I could imagine eating was a big Italian sandwich from the deli.  With lots of meat and cheese. And it's greasy.  And utterly delicious. Another bad choice.

Not a scrap of fruit has passed my lips today.  Nor a vegetable, unless you count the splash of tomatoes on my sandwich.  No smoothies, no whole-foods or plant-based foods, for the most part.  So nothing from the Forks and Knives plan.

So, why this big deviation from my usually healthy choices?  I'm not sure.  I haven't been keeping up my food log.  Uh-oh!  And I have been pretty disorganized this week.  Oops!  And I just haven't given a damn.  Rats!  A three-step plan for disaster when you're trying to eat healthy food.

I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to get back on the Forks Over Knives plan.  I've had a taste of my old lifestyle and it was delicious!  But boy oh boy, I do not want to gain that weight back.  Those lovely 25 pounds are gone and I want them to stay gone. And I am getting closer to getting off of some of my medications.  That's my biggest goal, after all.

So I will do my best to get back on track as soon as possible.  Tomorrow, I'm going for a bunch of fruit,  at least a couple servings of veggies and no meat! no dairy! no eggs! no oil! no junk food!  And maybe in a couple weeks, I can report another five pounds lost. I can tell you all that I feel better, I have more energy.  That would be awesome.

And I need to re-commit to getting back on the treadmill.  I am spending far too much time on Facebook, as fun as it is, and I need to get more active.

So I have a plan, right?  Yeah, but I had a plan this week too and wow did it go haywire!  All I can do is try.  Set myself up to succeed.  Get organized, make a menu, chop some veggies, have fruit available,  and, most important of all, keep the food log up-to-date.  I am convinced this is the secret to my success with this plan.  It keeps me aware of what I'm eating.  When I let it slide, I find my good habits sliding too.

So back to the food log, back to the original plan and hopefully, back to healthy eating.  Wish me luck.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Following a diet or food plan should be a matter of figuring out your nutritional requirements, considering your personal tastes and preferences and then just following that plan.  As mentioned in an earlier blog, I keep a food journal.  We try to do weekly menus.  It should be simple.

But it's not.  Oh, if my life is on an even keel and no surprises crop up, it works pretty well.  It's when I get distracted that I stray off the plan, I eat some meat or I just can't resist french fries.  It's not amusing, though it sounds funny "I slipped last night, I just couldn't resist the fried calamari!  So delish!"

Almost every time this happens to me, I could resist.  There is that moment when I could say "no, I don't want that in my body. Hand me some celery" or whatever.  I've found, by keeping the log and reviewing it, that if I'm having a rough day emotionally, I have a hard time sticking to the plan.

My biggest stumbling block is self-esteem.  Last year, I went to a "mystical fair", where various psychics, mediums, tarot readers, etc, were offering their services.  First, I found a psychic and got a reading.  Her first words were "It's really weird, but I'm getting that you're too hard on yourself.  That you need to stop putting yourself down."

Dead on.  If she had said "you have brown eyes" she couldn't have been more accurate.  I moved on to have my tarot read.  This psychic studied the cards and looked up with a puzzled look on her face. "For some reason, I'm getting that you are too hard on yourself. You're really into putting yourself down."

Blink. I nodded and my husband, who was standing nearby, let out a loud laugh. I was slightly chagrined. Two psychics, both of whom had never met me before, and they're telling me I'm too hard on myself, that I have poor self esteem.  Without even knowing me!

This past week, I had a little problem in my life (since resolved) and was whining about it on Facebook.  At least four, maybe more, friends said "You have such poor self-esteem!"

Wow.  I really have to work on this!  And no surprise, my diet this week has been pretty messed up.  I've had meat, cheese, fries, all the things I've eliminated from my diet.  And I still haven't got myself up on that treadmill.  My goals are not being reached!

So it's a self-fulfilling prophecy -- I don't feel good about myself, so I eat poorly, then I feel queasy, I feel "fat", I feel bad about "cheating".  Then my self-esteem drops a little more, and it spirals out of control.  The only way for me to stop it is to face it and fix it.

It doesn't matter if I slip once in a while.  It doesn't make me a "bad" person, it just means that this one time here, I chose to not follow my plans, which will lead me to meeting my goals.  It's not the end of the world. It's not even the end of my diet.  It's a stumble.  So I have to say to myself "You ate meat for dinner.  You are committed to not eating meat. Tomorrow, don't eat meat!"  Without adding any self-bashing.  That is hard for me, but those words I put in my head and sometimes let slip out of my mouth are not good for me, and are just as important as the food I put in my mouth.

So, it's back to making a plan and sticking to it.  To not let drooping self-esteem keep me from getting healthy.  To realizing that I am worth the hard work, that I can do it, even if it's tough, even if I'm feeling low, I can choose to eat healthy foods.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Healthy weight loss

The new lifestyle is still paying off!  I have lost five more pounds!  That's 25 pounds total, folks!  YES!

Ok, let's face it, that's just a start, I have a long ways to go and, anyway, weight loss is not my primary goal.  Being healthy is my goal.

So guess what? I'm feeling healthier too!  How about that?  My blood sugar readings have gone down, thank you very much. I'm moving around more easily, which is very important to me.

You know that tired old saying "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels?"  Pfft.  Because chocolate tastes pretty good.  Focusing on weight loss is not going to motivate me to eat right, it just isn't.  But the idea of not dying young, not incurring some life-threatening disease, yeah, THAT is motivation to skip the chocolate and sugar and meat.

I want to suggest again that everyone view the documentary called "Forks Over Knives".  I watched in on Hulu, for free.  It's available lots of places, just google it.  It's got a lot of facts and figures but lots of WOW moments, too.  Like seeing a man adopting the Forks Over Knives plan and being able to ditch all but one of the multiple medications he had been on.  Like the woman who had breast cancer and her doctor sent her home to die.  Then she found the doctors who advocate Forks Over Knives.  Years later, she is healthy and hale and cancer free. (I'm not saying FOK cured cancer. No.  It made her healthier, though)

And, the one that hit me closest to home was a young single mom who had been diagnosed with diabetes.  So, she was going to be on insulin. She had kids to raise. She was overweight.  A couple months on the FOK plan, her diabetes was under control, she had lost weight and she had energy and verve.  Yeah, that's what I want -- verve!!

Last year, my blood sugar reading was a smidge over the top number.  A smidge, like .1, that's all.  My doctor prescribed Metformin, which helps control blood sugar, and sent me to a diabetes educator.  She spent an hour and a half showing me all the dangers of diabetes and, over my objections, fitted me out with a blood sugar monitor, to be used twice a day.  WHY?  I'm .1 over the limit.  How about I try changing my diet first?  Welllll, it seems that when someone is obese (which I am) you're so much more likely to get diabetes, that's it's a good idea to just scare the hell out of you, slap you on meds and punish you with twice-daily bleedings.

I went with it for a few weeks.  My readings were uniformly regular, and right in the healthy range.  Imagine that.  Soon I was freaking out.  I would dread that stab in the finger, I don't really like seeing my own blood and if my  "numbers' were the least bit elevated I was panicking.

I was convinced they'd have me on insulin injections if I didn't toe the line.

In total frustration I went back to my doctor and told him I was stressing out.  He looked puzzled and said "You don't need to check your blood sugar daily.  I just wanted them to give you some information so you would be aware.  Stop taking your blood sugar readings if it's upsetting."

Oh boy.  Torn between anger and relief, I stopped doing the readings.  And I was pretty darned miffed at having went through that for weeks, for NOTHING.  Talk about the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing!

Since I started the FOK plan, I do occasionally pull out the blood sugar meter and check my levels.  They are lower than they were last year, of course, so that means they are very good.  My goal is that I can quit taking Metformin and just control this with diet and exercise.

I know some people really do need the daily blood tests, they do need insulin, they are in grave danger  if they do not control their diabetes.  But do we have to scare every overweight person with the specter of a lifetime of diabetes, even when they are not showing signs of diabetes -- other than being overweight?

When I visit my doctor, and I've done this for years, I explain to him that I realize I'm overweight, hell, I'm obese.  It's not a surprise to me.  I have had heart tests, my ticker is just fine.  I have high cholesterol, yes.  I have high blood pressure.  I am not dying, nor am I close to dying.  Both the cholesterol and the blood pressure are likely to be controlled through diet and exercise.  I'll take the meds for those problems, but if FOK can help me control those issues, I want off those drugs!

I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and my doctor warned me that my weight might impact my recovery from surgery.  What? How's that again?  The surgery was vaginal, so there would be no cutting through my layers of flab.  I don't have asthma or anything like that.  How would weight impact my  recovery.  He really didn't give me a good answer but he asserted:  That weight is gonna kill you!

He was sitting a foot away from me, in a rolling desk chair.  By the time I got done explaining to him just how offended I was by his weight-blaming, he was backed into a corner and saying "well, that's a good point" and casting desperate looks at my husband.  After the surgery, as soon as the doctor came to see me, I told him "And my weight didn't cause any problems, did it?"  He laughed and said no, it didn't.  HA! And I loved my doctor, he was gentle and my surgery was amazingly easy. He just follows the health community's "FAT IS A KILLER" line.

Don't assume all your problems can be measured in pounds.  If you want to lose weight, bully for you.  It's probably a wonderful idea.  But if you lose weight by eating unhealthy, processed foods, are you getting healthy or just putting bad food into a smaller body?  When you have tried those fad diets, have you kept the weight off?

Watch the documentary, think about what you REALLY want for your body, then make a decision to become a healthy person, who just so happens to lose weight and feel better all over!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Green smoothies and cookies

Part of the adventure of our new, healthier lifestyle is trying out recipes.  Some go straight into the trash can but some are keepers.  Some recipes we've even shared with friends, who aren't vegan, and they love the recipes!

We make a green smoothie from the Forks Over Knives book and it is really delicious and satisfying.  What a great way to get a big dose of veggies and fruit in one tasty drink!  Especially since it includes kale, one of those veggies that are incredibly good for us but not so easy to fit into our diet. Blueberries, spinach, flax seeds -- all good for you and all contained in one simple, quick drink.

So we have a green smoothie several times a week and my husband bragged about them at work so much that a coworker has now started making them for her teenaged sons and herself.  She even makes them ahead of time, puts  them in the fridge (with a lid on the container) and her sons drink them when it's convenient.

Our most recent find is a recipe for cookies that are to die for!  They're sweet, they're moist and chewy and it is suggested that you eat them while they're warm, so hey!  Good excuse for eating ALL the cookies at once!  Well, maybe not. You might do better to freeze the ones you don't eat immediately, then, when you want one, just pop it out of the freezer and into the microwave for about 30 seconds (or use your oven to warm them up, I just like the speed of the microwave).  Warm and gooey deliciousness in no time!

I took some over to my parents and they enjoyed them, especially the gooeyness.  These would, I think, be  good for anyone on any kind of eating plan, except of course someone allergic to peanuts. They're called Chick Pea Cookie Bites and they're made from chick peas (aka garbanzo beans), peanut butter and chocolate chips.

These cookies do not contain flour, sugar or eggs and they're very simple to make.  I won't claim they're low-calorie, because they do contain peanut butter and chocolate chips.  But everything in these tasty tidbits is allowed on the Forks Over Knives eating plan, so we are extremely happy about them!

Here's the recipe for Chick Pea Cookie Bites (from the website

1 1/4 cups canned chick peas (garbanzo beans), well-rinsed and patted dry with a paper towel
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter
1/4 cup honey (we use agave nectar, same amount)
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt in peanut butter is unsalted
1/2 cups chocolate chips (we use semi-sweet)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Combine all the ingredients except for the chocolate chips in a food processor and process until smooth.  Make sure to scrape the sides and the top to get the little chunks of chick peas and process again until they're combined.  Put in the chocolate chips and stir by hand if you can or pulse once or twice.  The mixture will be very thick and sticky.  With wet hands, form into 1 1/2-inch balls.  Place onto a Silpat or parchment paper.  If you want them to look more like normal cookies, press down slightly on the balls.  They don't rise much, so they look pretty much the same going in the oven as they do coming out.  Bake for about 10 minutes.  Yields about 14 cookies.

As I said above, these are best eaten warm.

*One note: The recipe calls for natural peanut butter and I thought I'd let you all know that we now make our own peanut butter, in our Vitamix blender.  Cheaper than store-bought peanut butter and absolutely delicious.  Not as creamy as Jif or Skippy, but plenty creamy enough to spread on toast.  We buy unsalted, dry roasted peanuts.  It takes 3 cups to make a pint-sized Mason jar full of peanut butter.  Very simple to do and good for us.

Here's the green smoothie recipe from Forks Over Knives:

Gene's Green Machine Smoothie
(makes 2)

2 cups plant-based milk (we use soy)
1 banana (optionally frozen)
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
2 large leaves of kale
1/2 cup spinach (raw)
1/2 cup English cucumber (optional)
1/2 Tbsp. flax seeds and/or 1/2 Tbsp. hemp or chia seeds
1 date, optional
Ice (optional, but it makes the drink colder, so we use it!)

Blend all the ingredients until smooth and no chunks remain.  Add more milk or water to get the consistency you prefer.

And when it says "no chunks remain", listen up!  You don't want chunks of kale or spinach in your drink.  So blend, blend, blend.  We do not use the date or cucumber, we do use flax seeds but not the hemp or chia seeds.  I prefer to give you the original recipe and you can adjust to your tastes, but just so you know, we have made a couple changes.

I hope you enjoy these recipes and if you try them, please let me know!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Ups and downs

My life has been very jumbled up lately.   A number of things happening, but nothing really getting accomplished.  And as my life goes, so goes my eating habits, as you have seen.  So it's been a sort of mixed results week -- some good work on the new lifestyle, some conscious decisions to veer from the path.

I don't enjoy telling you all about my less-than-perfect eating; I'd love to be able to say "I'm doing great on this eating plan, never even miss my old favorite foods!"

It's been a couple months and I have missed certain foods.  And I have indulged in comfort eating, self-medicating with really bad food.  And I've had days where only the BEST foods, the healthiest, the tastiest, the freshest, have passed my lips.

Changing your eating is no small feat.  You have to re-learn to grocery shop, re-learn to cook, re-learn to think about food.  It's not two vegetables and a meat anymore.  You aren't going to just grab a donut on the way to work, or fast food after a long day.  You have to plan to do well, to eat well.

Being humans, we don't always have time or energy to plan well.  So we mess up, we find ourselves half way across town, hungry, knowing when we get home we'll have at least 30 minutes of cooking ahead of us before we can eat.  So it becomes a struggle.

I am determined to keep fighting and moving toward my goals.  I plan to eventually be 100 percent vegan.  I know the junk food doesn't do my body any good.  I know I feel better when I eat healthier food.  Now, I just have to keep my feet on the ground and keep heading in the right direction.

I'm going to try in the next few blog posts to share with you some tips on grocery shopping, planning meals, finding recipes.  But the goal of this blog is always  going to be sharing my experiences as I transform from an enthusiastic meat-eating, soda-drinking slob, to a more health, grain-eating, vegetable-loving vegan.

On another note, but sort of  related, I ran across this very funny blog post and really need to share it with you all.  It truly expresses the confusion I've felt since beginning this whole foods adventure.

Here's the link:

And, for some fun while learning new recipes, check out the Vegan Black Metal Chef.  This guy has a great sense of humor and his recipes are great.  He shows on video how to create healthy, vegan dishes.    You really ought to check out his "Hail Seitan" video. Hilarious.

Here's that link:

Have a great week and remember -- EAT YOUR VEGGIES!