Friday, August 3, 2012

Ups and downs

My life has been very jumbled up lately.   A number of things happening, but nothing really getting accomplished.  And as my life goes, so goes my eating habits, as you have seen.  So it's been a sort of mixed results week -- some good work on the new lifestyle, some conscious decisions to veer from the path.

I don't enjoy telling you all about my less-than-perfect eating; I'd love to be able to say "I'm doing great on this eating plan, never even miss my old favorite foods!"

It's been a couple months and I have missed certain foods.  And I have indulged in comfort eating, self-medicating with really bad food.  And I've had days where only the BEST foods, the healthiest, the tastiest, the freshest, have passed my lips.

Changing your eating is no small feat.  You have to re-learn to grocery shop, re-learn to cook, re-learn to think about food.  It's not two vegetables and a meat anymore.  You aren't going to just grab a donut on the way to work, or fast food after a long day.  You have to plan to do well, to eat well.

Being humans, we don't always have time or energy to plan well.  So we mess up, we find ourselves half way across town, hungry, knowing when we get home we'll have at least 30 minutes of cooking ahead of us before we can eat.  So it becomes a struggle.

I am determined to keep fighting and moving toward my goals.  I plan to eventually be 100 percent vegan.  I know the junk food doesn't do my body any good.  I know I feel better when I eat healthier food.  Now, I just have to keep my feet on the ground and keep heading in the right direction.

I'm going to try in the next few blog posts to share with you some tips on grocery shopping, planning meals, finding recipes.  But the goal of this blog is always  going to be sharing my experiences as I transform from an enthusiastic meat-eating, soda-drinking slob, to a more health, grain-eating, vegetable-loving vegan.

On another note, but sort of  related, I ran across this very funny blog post and really need to share it with you all.  It truly expresses the confusion I've felt since beginning this whole foods adventure.

Here's the link:

And, for some fun while learning new recipes, check out the Vegan Black Metal Chef.  This guy has a great sense of humor and his recipes are great.  He shows on video how to create healthy, vegan dishes.    You really ought to check out his "Hail Seitan" video. Hilarious.

Here's that link:

Have a great week and remember -- EAT YOUR VEGGIES!


  1. I think you're doing great, Lori. The ups and downs can happen because life can be a rollercoaster. Sometimes it's all we can do to hang on. Then it calms down and we can think again, get back into a routine of our choosing. My sons and I are on a similar path, eating healthier, trying to exercise more. We're vegetarians but are becoming more and more vegan. This is fantastic that you are documenting your struggles and successes. Figure out what kind of "lapses" wouldn't be as bad, perhaps. Something in between for those rough spots. Good luck to you and your husband, and keep being a wonderful example to others. :)

  2. I think you're doing great, Lori. The ups and downs can happen because life can be a rollercoaster. Sometimes it's all we can do to hang on. Then it calms down and we can think again, get back into a routine of our choosing. My sons and I are on a similar path, eating healthier, trying to exercise more. We're vegetarians but are becoming more and more vegan. This is fantastic that you are documenting your struggles and successes. Figure out what kind of "lapses" wouldn't be as bad, perhaps. Something in between for those rough spots. Good luck to you and your husband, and keep being a wonderful example to others. :)
